Monday, October 3, 2011

change of a lifetime

So to start off I went on a week long camping trip about 2 weeks after my last post (pictures to come) which was fun but i had a hard time with  a friend of mine the last night, i guess it was because my feet hurt and we all wanted to go home that day as fast as possible. but anyway, it was fun and a great experience (omg memories!)
plus i got a lot of amazing photos so that was awesome.
                                    the start of our journey. we may look happy now but not for long!
                                              some of the scenery

                                            lazing about not wanting to get our packs back on

                                             having some fun with the rocks before we went

                                               only three of us climbed this. we are BEAST!
                                            on the way back as fast as i could
                                            one of 3 or 4 treacherous rivers
                                 in the truck waiting on the others to get back so we can get out of there!

there were many more pictures but i didn't want to add them all but it was a great hike!
oh, I'd like to add that i am too tired from PT to be a grammar psycho so don't freak out on me like GRR! get off my lawn! after that adventurous trip i sat around the house for the rest of summer being lazy then IT happened, i don't know how or why but it comes the same time every year, that's right. school. it all happened so fast i didn't know what was going on! all of the sudden i went from a 5 pm day to a 6 am day. but i got used to it and now i am on cruise control for a bit because of how easy it is. next to my grades i  didn't do much else (besides video games) until i found something that made my life a whole lot brighter and i laugh a lot more now because of this certain amazing thing. yeah, it was call of duty ;) nah i'm kidding it's not that, in fact it's not even an thing. it's a person with dark hair and brown eye's but i can't say her name because i have family members who read this and they will have a spaz attack. as of now it is a monday night and i still have a two page hand written essay to finish.

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